Monday, November 4, 2013

Macam Comel dan Cantik je.

Macam comel je.
Ya, kamu yang menutup aurat.
Secebis kain di kepala mu itu pemelihara.
Macam comel je, bila ia menutupi auratmu dengan sempurna.

Macam cantik je.
Ya, tubuh badan mu bukan untuk tatapan semua.
Tutupilah tubuh mu, auratmu agar maruah terpelihara.
Longgarkan pakaian mu bukan dengan membalut seperti nangka.
Macam cantik je, bila seruan kasih dari-Nya kau laksana.

30 October 2013
25 Zulhijjah 1434H

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Niqab dan Tudung Labuh

 Aku berniqab,
Aku bertudung labuh.

Itu semua bukanlah sebagai bukti bahawa akulah solehah,
Bukan jua sebagai bukti aku adalah lebih baik,
Andai dirimu tidak selesa, mohon janganlah disinis.

 Juga manusia biasa,
Masih berlatih mentarbiyah diri, seorang hamba.

Merangkak di medan yang sama,
Belum tentu kita akan bangkit, belum tentu kita akan rebah,

Biarkan, biarkan sahaja,
Antara aku dan Rabbku,
Kerana aku masih belum puas,
Bercinta bersama Tuhanku di sebalik dakapan lembut hijab itu.

“Biarkan aku terus bercinta bersama Tuhanku, di sebalik dakapan lembut itu.” – Humaira

Pesanan dari hati pasti terkesan jua pada hati :

“Tundukkan hati : Apabila terpaksa berurusan dengan lelaki, kita sepatutnya merasa bulu roma kita meremang, kerana takut pada Allah. Kita sangat takut sekiranya disebabkan kita, lelaki tertarik kepada kita.”

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Sky Might Fall

The sky finds itself in a quite a bind.
It flickers, flashes, cracks, and moans.
Upset and ruthless, it strikes the mind.
Over a morbid mausoleum of bones.

The sky then finds itself in ignorant bliss.
The benevolent white clouds befriend it.
The soaring sun gives to the sky it's warm, radiant kiss.
The wind brushes the trees, pleasing the sky, swirling leaves of indigo and viridian; most exquisite.

The sky now finds itself incredibly cross.
The sun is departing, but a new entity has began to ascend.
The sky is confused, not knowing whether this is a gain or a loss.
But the stars begin to twinkle, the moon sings its lunar lullaby, and the sky is assured that day has temporarily met its end.

The sky finds itself in sorrow upon morn.
The once friendly white clouds are now dark and cryptic, crying with malaise.
The sky calls to the sun, the sun does not acknowledge the frantic cries of the sky; the sky is forlorn.
But even through this daunting adversity, the sky keeps its faith, for the sky remembers the sun and its immaculate rays.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

When You are Different..

Dear sisters,

When you are different..

People may laugh at you,
They may judge you,
They may avoid you and
They may not accept you and dislike you

At that point, you may start to hate yourself
And hate the reason behind your difference


There are just once case when you would be feel proud that you are “different”,
When you choose willingly to be “different”….
It is when you are one of the “strangers” Prophet Mohammad (sallAllahu alaihi wa sallam) talked about in the famous hadith :
“Islam began as something strange and will return as something strange as it began, so give glad tidings to the strangers.”

You would start to feel that you are a stranger among your own people just because you are “different” from them.
You are different because you are clinging firmly to your Deen and insist to follow Qur’an and Sunnah.
This is why, whenever people laugh at you, just smile because their mockery would bring you closer to Allah.

Whenever people judge you, just be patient…
You will all have a meeting one day in front of the Most Just of Judges
Whenever people avoid you, don’t feel lonely, Allah is with you.
And never care about the people, who don’t accept you and dislike you,
the Love of Allah is the only fortune which enriches you.

11 April 2013
01 Jamadil Akhir 1434H

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